Computer optimized, five point, vertically moving twin toggle is fast acting rigid clamping unit
Optimized kinematics of toggle re-produces high precise control over mold safety, thus giving long mold life
Independently settable five stages for mold close and opening with stroke based switch over including mold sensing function, ensures precise control over mold close and open even at high speed machine operation
Mold change and set up time are minimal with combination of T slot and mold mounting holes in platen
Highly advanced temperature controller of PLC maintaining barrel temperature very close to set points
300 (nos.) of mold catalogue provision allows storing more number of parameters of mold
Perfect screw geometry for high plasticizing capacity with excellent melt homogeneity at low shear heat.
Latest control architecture with graphical monitoring, to produce precision parts to closest tolerances on dimensional stability and weight
Injection speed profile in 10 stages independently settable
Cold start protection of screw rotation until set temperatures of the plasticizing cylinder have been reached
Multiple Mold Valve gate sequencing control through machine controller